Life has not been easy for this abandoned daughter of a pirate. She never knew her father, and her mother died of fever when she was young. Her mother dressed her as a boy before she passed, to avoid the attention of men. After being sent to an orphanage she continued to hide her girlish side and she learned to fight and to be tougher than most. Eventually, she was thrown out of the orphanage for her willful nature and her take no prisoners attitude.
Hiding her gender, came in handy once more as she joined a privateer crew. Quick and deadly with a blade, she came up through the ranks of the pirates, surviving and fighting her way to eventually be Captain of her own ship. Now as Captain she no longer hides who she is and is completely free to lead her crew and sail her ship as she sees fit.
“Cutter” Grace de Berry’s Sea Otter was found as a pup clinging to seaweed after a storm and without her parents. She has raised the otter since finding her and indulges the creature with fresh fish. Her favorite weapons are a large cutlass and a rapier, which she is excellent in wielding against any foe. The perfume bottle she keeps on her at all times is a memento from her late mother.