Once a great Chef that cooked for the upper class, this crafty survivor, has spent years perfecting his dishes.  A crafty fellow that prefers working in a dark kitchen and remaining inconspicuous.  That is not easy with his striking features and size, but his personality outwardly is jovial and friendly so he tends to be overlooked.

After being marooned on an island with headhunters for three years, when he was caught holding back rations for himself, his culinary talents took a darker turn. Originally left on the island with several others, he was the only one that survived and he had gained weight.

Crew like to serve on “Bar-B-Q” Thomas Critchett’s ship, AKA The Cook.  He is nice to all of his crew and feeds them well.  Every once in a while a crew member may go missing, but it is OK with them.  After all, it just means more food for them.