“Hard” William Love was a lighthouse operator, living alone on the edge of a Caribbean island.  His job was keeping a lookout for ships, bad weather, and the royal navy.  He would alert the nearby pirates if he spotted anything that would interest them for extra coins.  He liked the quite of the sea and his lighthouse on his small island and drinking his own rum, distilled using the waters on the small island.

One day William Love found a woman on a driftwood raft washed up on the rocks below the lighthouse during a new moon.  Injured he took her in and nursed her back to health over the course of 28 days, an entire phase of the moon.  They soon fell in love and “Hard” William was not alone anymore.  However, the woman he had fallen in love with was not completely mortal and the sea was calling her away.  He tried to stop her from leaving but it was impossible and she vanished one starless night.

Since the night she left, “Hard” William Love became more reclusive and solitary.  As he withdrew he also transformed physically into a creature that he is today. Part man and part giant Sea Turtle.  No one knows why, maybe it was the mysterious love, maybe it was his solitary nature, or maybe it was the spring that he used for his rum.  This was hundreds of years ago for his transformation also gifted him with a long life.  He is fine with his transformation and is even the Captain of his own ship now sailing from island to island, looking for his lady and a good rum.